Why CoinXpot, Inc.?
We are making Investing accessible to everyone
We are uniting all key aspects of running an efficient investment operation, from building a highly efficient trading platform to providing a streamlined trading system for our users.
We make Investing competitive
To Invest competitively today, you need to invest significant resources, time, and effort into our system and setup, our team has built the most efficient trading systems to do the job for you. This way you can fully focus on keeping track of the markets and your portfolio, this remain competitive with your investment rewards.
Contributing to the eco-system
Besides being the portal for interesting investment Data, we are also actively contributing to the market system, from launching awareness projects and campaigns to releasing an open-source investment strategies
Multi-algorithm support
We are building trading Centers around the world that can support different investment algorithms for 5 different portfolio types, if that's not enough, we’d be happy to also support the portfolio type you want to invest in.